Enter your Ticket Number and the email address used while booking the ticket
Ticket Number:
Email/Phone Number:
Ticket Number:
Cancellation Type:
Partial Cancellation   Full Cancellation
You will be able to
Perbarui Tiket
perbarui tiket.
Perbarui Tiket
Batalkan tiket.
Perbarui Tiket
Pra/tunda tiket.
Perbarui Tiket
Request for an Open Ticket that can be used later on.

Note: Dear Customer, Please note the time taken for refund to reflect into your bank account from day of refund initiation
Wallets 72 hours
Net Banking 5 - 7 Bank Working days
Debit Card Transactions 7 - 15 Bank Working days
Credit Card Transactions 10 - 21 Bank Working days
For Refund related queries reach us at or call: 080-46333633